A Touch of Lace
For weeks now I’ve been trying to find a lace dress. And for just as many weeks I’ve been trying to find a pair of gold flats and a belt to match. Completely unrelated wants, but they all came together for this outfit!
In my quest for a lace dress I found that it can prove rather challenging, especially for those of us with more curves. The lace overlay can bunch or pull in all the wrong areas, so I was pleased to find that this dress fit me and my curves just right. I love it’s classic A-line shape, which is one of my favorite cuts for dresses. And, it has pockets. You can never go wrong with pockets in a dress.
Even though the beautiful mulberry lace is placed over a navy bodice, I opted for black tights and a black sweater. I’d just stumbled upon my gold belt at Nordstrom (it reverses to silver!), and ordered these gold Coach flats, so I thought it would be perfect to add a little pop to my outfit and brighten it up. By adding gold accessories in my necklace, belt and shoes I was able to incorporate a color into the outfit that wasn’t originally found in the dress. Since the gold accents are spaced out, it is balanced and fresh, and not overpowering.
This is one of my favorite necklaces! You’ve seen me wear it here.
Dress: [shopsense shopsense_url=”http://api.shopstyle.com/action/apiVisitRetailer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fshop.nordstrom.com%2FS%2Fadrianna-papell-lace-fit-flare-dress-plus%2F3423892%3Forigin%3Dcategory” original_url=”http://shop.nordstrom.com/S/adrianna-papell-lace-fit-flare-dress-plus/3423892?origin=category&contextualcategoryid=0&fashionColor=&resultback=0″ save_to_store=”true”]Adrianna Papell Lace Fit & Flare Dress[/shopsense]; Sweater: [shopsense shopsense_url=”http://api.shopstyle.com/action/apiVisitRetailer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fshop.nordstrom.com%2Fs%2Fbp-classic-crewneck-cardigan-juniors%2F3214495%3Forigin%3Dcategory” original_url=”http://shop.nordstrom.com/s/bp-classic-crewneck-cardigan-juniors/3214495?origin=category&contextualcategoryid=0&fashionColor=Yellow-+Iris&resultback=0″ save_to_store=”true”]B.P.[/shopsense]; Tights: [shopsense shopsense_url=”http://api.shopstyle.com/action/apiVisitRetailer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww1.bloomingdales.com%2Fshop%2Fproduct%2Fspanx-tights-tight-end-high-waisted-full-length-167%3FID%3D94447″ original_url=”http://www1.bloomingdales.com/shop/product/spanx-tights-tight-end-high-waisted-full-length-167?ID=94447&PartnerID=LINKSHARE&cm_mmc=LINKSHARE-_-n-_-n-_-n&LinkshareID=QFGLnEolOWg-41aFPZVw_l0H6iWhsrLz5g” save_to_store=”true”]Spanx[/shopsense]; Shoes: [shopsense shopsense_url=”http://api.shopstyle.com/action/apiVisitRetailer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.coach.com%2Fonline%2Fhandbags%2F-shoes_shoesale-us-us-5000000000000139552-en%3Ft1Id%3D105″ original_url=”http://www.coach.com/online/handbags/-shoes_shoesale-us-us-5000000000000139552-en?t1Id=105&t2Id=5000000000000139552&tier=2&LOC=LN#111452″ save_to_store=”true”]Coach Anora Flat[/shopsense]; Belt: Michael Kors; Necklace: [shopsense shopsense_url=”http://api.shopstyle.com/action/apiVisitRetailer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fshop.nordstrom.com%2Fs%2Fkate-spade-new-york-sweet-zinnia-floral-necklace%2F3245159%3Fcm_cat%3Ddatafeed” original_url=”http://shop.nordstrom.com/s/kate-spade-new-york-sweet-zinnia-floral-necklace/3245159?cm_cat=datafeed&cm_ite=kate_spade_new_york_’sweet_zinnia’_floral_necklace:510046&cm_pla=jewelry:women:necklace&cm_ven=Linkshare&siteId=QFGLnEolOWg-bQ0msT0Tz3xACt5yYUZtYQ” save_to_store=”true”]Kate Spade[/shopsense]
I’ve been looking for a lace dress for ages as well and had the same issues; bunching, pulling, etc. I’ll have to look at Adrianna Papell because this dress looks amazing on you!
Thanks! I have had really good luck with Adrianna Papell dresses. She has a lot of different lace styles and colors out right now.
Saw this look on Pinterest and loved it, Kate! The purple is just gorgeous and I love the bright sparkly touches of gold. The flats are so cute and are fresh and unexpected against the black tights. Great look, Lovely Lady!!! ~Sarah
Thanks Sarah!! It was a really fun outfit to style.
I can see a lot of people shying away from purple in combination with gold/yellow, but they are complimentary colors. Great job – uber cute!
Thanks Makara!