Dear Anonymous: Thank You
Today marks one year since my “Am I Too Fat?” post.
Dear Anonymous,
Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you. I wonder if I know you or if you truly were some anonymous troll out there. I wonder if you ever read my response to you, if you’re still following my blog, if you’ve seen how I’ve grown in the past year. I still have your email buried at the bottom of my inbox.
Today I want to say thank you. I am thankful for the opportunity that you, Anonymous, gave me. Now, I don’t condone the type of cowardice it takes to anonymously email someone nor do I condone the type of malice it takes to send such words, but it happened. In that moment I had three options: (1) to respond with similar malice, (2) to not respond, or (3) to respond with grace.
I responded to your email with, what I hope was, grace. I quickly resolved to not let your bullying stand or discourage me. Instead, I allowed it to empower me and it gave me strength I never knew I had. Your email gave me the opportunity to stand up for myself, find my voice as a blogger (a plus size one at that), and be a voice for those women (and men) who aren’t able to stand up for themselves.
My response to you is still my most read and I’m frequently asked, “You’re the one who was called fat and responded publicly, right? I read your blog and love it!” It’s still the post I’m most proud of and to this day I still receive comments and emails from readers telling me that I’ve inspired them.
You gave me a voice and gave me the opportunity to stand up for myself, and curvy gals everywhere. You allowed me to see that I really am proud of the woman I’ve become and that I am fine with, in fact LOVE, the size and shape I am.
Thank you for showing me that I have a voice that I’m not afraid to use, to stand up for myself and for others. And in case you’re wondering how my journey is going, there are photos below to show the progress I’ve made from 2011-2013 on my weight loss journey.
I loved that blog post, so proud of you for not allowing that negativity to be had in your space as it is completely disgusting and 100% not true. You are BEAUTIFUL and I’m so honored to be part of your fashion and weight loss journey through this blog! Keep your head up, and stay positive!
Thanks Alyson! I’m glad you’re part of the journey too. I never would have met you without either of our blogs! Crazy how this little blogs have enabled us to meet new friends!
Kate I love your blog. You validate for me that as a mom of 8 and plus size I can look hot! Thanks for sharing your style on pm as I buy from you a lot and many wishes for greater outreach and success for your blog and style consulting. Angela
Thanks so much for your support, Angela! I’m so glad we were able to connect through Poshmark and it means so much to me that you find my blog inspirational
Kate,in love your spirit and your style,
Thanks Annie!
I am incredibly proud of you for not only responding to a rude email with honesty and grace, but for using that negativity to make yourself even better and inspire others. That email you got a year ago was written by a snarky asshole who wasn’t even brave enough to put their name down with their judgmental comments. If I’d been in your place, I probably would’ve just told Anonymous to bite off. What you wrote was a million times better, and you have managed to turn a random person’s unkindness into a voice for a movement to stop the bullying and cruelty. We have a huge problem in our society, where people (especially women, it seems) criticize one another and have no qualms about being unkind to each other, especially in online forums. It’s not okay, and it needs to stop. You’re part of the solution, and I applaud you for your bravery.
Aww thanks Veronica! Your support and friendship means the world to me!
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