February 2016



Last week’s weather was such a tease! A little chilly, but beautiful bright sun. And just in time for the weekend, it seemed to quickly switch back to the rain. Oh well, summer will be here soon enough, but until…

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Link Love

Good Reads, Vol. 3

  Good Reads: I always knew it. Dark chocolate makes you smarter. Some great tips for a beautiful Instagram feed, including how to do the perfect flat lay! How cool is this hotel room that doubles as a gym?  …

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Plaid, Stripes, and Leopard

Despite a few errant rain showers this weekend, the sun was shining bright 90% of the weekend. It was glorious and had me dreaming of spring (and even better, summer). There’s only 25 days until spring, and I’m so excited!…

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Link Love

Good Reads, Vol. 2

Good Reads: This comic will remind you that our bodies don’t define us. How to pick the healthiest juice when you’re on the go. Is your inner commentator keeping you from being happy? How awesome does this workout look?  …

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Fancy Pants

It’s no secret to my workout buddies, but I am obsessed with printed leggings and capris, so much so that my nickname is “Sassy Pants” or “Fancy Pants”. Slowly but surely, my love affair with printed pants in the gym…

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Health & Fitness, Workout Style

Fitness Routine

Last year, someone asked me what my fitness routine is like. My reply? Oh I don’t do that much. I do Zumba 4x/week, barre 3-4x/week, weight lifting, yoga, cycling, and sometimes indorow or TRX. After the list spilled out of…

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Link Love

Good Reads, Vol. 1

Good Reads: How successful women gain confidence. Hint: Fake it till you make it. When to know if you’re exercising too much. What you eat matters – quality over quantity. Learn why “everything in moderation” is useless. The calorie is…

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The Vest Life

February in Washington seems to be that awkward transition month between the freezing cold winter temperatures and the more mild spring weather. I’m always trying to find a balance with my layers so that I’m not one extreme or the…

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Splash of Pink

On Monday mornings, there is nothing I love more than getting dressed in a killer dress and heading to the office to start kicking butt and taking names. I never feel more powerful and confident than when I’m wearing a…

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