
Cuba, Travel

Sleeping in Cuba

Cuba’s tourism has exploded in recent years. One of our tour guides told us that in 2016 there were 4 million tourists who visited Cuba and in just January – May 2017 there had already been 2.5 million tourists visiting…

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Cuba, Travel

Foraging for Food in Cuba

When you’re in Cuba, the best meals you will come across are those provided by your Casa host.  Most Casa hosts will provide breakfast for about $5 per person per day and many Casa hosts will provide dinner for about…

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Cuba, Travel

Getting around in Cuba

When traveling in Cuba, you’ll have to set aside a bit more time compared to other countries. Cuba does have planes, trains, busses and taxis (lots of taxis), but some do not have schedules and those that do likely won’t be…

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Cuba, Travel

Cuba Packing List

I’m a self-proclaimed overpacker, but this trip I amazed myself with my ability to condense my travel gear into the medium-sized suitcase versus the extra large version I often overpack in. Because I knew we would be sharing taxis with another…

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Cuba, Engagement, Kate and Jon, Travel, Wedding

The Proposal

In case you’re wondering where I’ve been lately (besides Cuba)… WE GOT ENGAGED! It’s still so surreal and I really want to share our proposal story, both through my eyes and through Jon’s eyes. I hope you enjoy our proposal…

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Travel, United Kingdom

4 Hikes in England and Scotland

Normally our vacations are packed full of hikes, but this time we did a bit less on the hiking front. In part because we were driving around between locations but also because we spent some time in the large cities…

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Travel, United Kingdom

Fall in the United Kingdom

Oh hey, remember when Jon and I took a vacation to England and Scotland? Yeah, it was only a short four months ago… Where did the time go? Well, don’t worry. Though I’m late posting a recap, I had not…

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Health & Fitness, Style, Travel

My Secrets for Beating Jet Lag

I’m finally back after a wonderful vacation to England and Scotland! More on that to come, but check out the highlights on Instagram or search the hashtag #JetSetKate! Vacations are an incredible way not only to experience new places and…

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Style, Travel

Travel Uniform

This year I’ve spent many days traveling for work. Sometimes a quick jaunt, other times a red-eye to my next destination where I hop off the plane and go straight to the office. In the midst of traveling, hopping time…

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